The Woman at the Front Desk Has Given Up Saying Hello

A new person was there instead of the large man-cloud I usually exasperate without knowing why and she knew how to ridicule her job while doing her job. She apologised for keeping me waiting so long then retracted the apology after I said it hadn't been long enough.
She told me about the forthcoming changes to the system and the new doom they will bring, something about forcing people to do things and how she's not supposed to have an opinion but she does have an opinion and so there it is. I had a book with me and she saw the title and said it out loud.
"It's David Foster Wallace."
"Is it any good?"
and I was going to say he hanged himself, but I said
"Yeah it's good so far."
"I want to read that new one about psychopaths, a journalist followed them round, apparently they run things you know. Working in here I can believe that."